There hasn't been anything too exiting happening lately, but there are a few notable things. The first notable thing is Allison, my sister got to go to the theatre to see the play She Stoops To Conquer on Wednesday Feb. 1st. (I'm going to comedy of errors tonight) The 2nd notable thing is the Camden Markets. Here's a short, but very accurate, (if not perfect) description of the Camden Markets: weird art, weird art, clothes, clothes, clothes, food, food, food, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, clothes, food, food, food, clothes, clothes, pins, princess stuff, angry birds stuffed animals, clothes, and, you guessed it, clothes. So in other words, if you don't like clothes or food, the Camden Markets isn't your kind of place.
Someone else from SU came over and has been coming over to our flat over the last few days, and yesterday we went over to the student flats. (to recap, my dad is a part of the study abroad program in London) We've heard they were awful, and we thought there would be mold growing in the flats. In real life, they were actually pretty nice. They're not worth the million dollars they would sell for, but they're still pretty nice. After that, we had 2 McDonald's McFlurrys (they're very small in the UK) and went to Oxford Street. (Oxford street is a whole street with shops everywhere) However, we only went in a few shops. (The only shop devoted to electronics that we stopped in was Argo's) [Argo's is a store where you go on these computers, write down what you want, and pay for it] The Disney store is definitely highlight. If you've ever been to Disney World, then you've seen the Disney store. Imagine that a hundred times smaller. Now add a magic mirror that when you wave a princess wand at it, it tells you what Disney princess you're most like. Now add huge plush versions of Mickey and Donald dressed like the British palace guards. At the end of Oxford Street, you'll find Hamely's. (remember, that huge toy store I was talking about in one of my first posts?) So that's what's been happening around here lately.
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